After getting saved in college, Nicole, born in South Africa, originally came to the United States to work in group homes with inner-city children. She then worked on college campuses for over a decade, ministering and pastoring the students under her care. Her vision is for transformation of societies, not just individuals. 

A former English and humanities major, her passion is to release the fire of God’s love over and into his children. 

As a life coach, she thrives when she is unveiling and imparting gifts to the Body of Christ, allowing them to be set in their identity in Christ and God-given assignments. She lives in Richmond, Virginia. 

What we love about Nicole: her fiery zeal, her astonishingly open heart, her pinpoint prophetic accuracy, and her powerful prayers. 

Ask her about: Hilton Head, what she teaches her children about the purpose of dating, and her spiritual gift of shopping.