The 21-Day Prayer Refresh™
Over 21 days, try short prayers to pray as you go about your day.
Less than three minutes a day to a revitalized prayer life.
If you feel like a prayer beginner, you’ve come to the right place. The Prayer Refresh starts at the beginning!
The Prayer Refresh was so life-changing, perspective-shattering and breathed so much, much needed life into me and our home that I have been missing and longing to go through it again. Regularly. Like monthly. ~ Amanda
And if you feel more comfortable in your prayers, you’ll still find something new in the Prayer Refresh. The head of intercessory prayer for the college ministry InterVarsity wrote:
I LOVE WHAT YOU ARE WRITING! It’s brilliant! I want everyone I know to read it. Please keep it up. ~Connie
Start to include these short prayers in your life, and you will be astonished at how much your life changes in the weeks and months to come.
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