Miraculous Healing
When clients first start with Workplace Prayer, we send an intake form, which includes a question about where you would like to see breakthrough.
Some clients answer this initial question in depth.
Some never reply.
Some send updated requests weekly. Some send them monthly. Some never send any.
I appreciate that God answers prayers, even without a voiced request.
One of my favorite examples comes from a client who, unbeknownst to us, had been struggling to get pregnant. She was only 32, but was on the verge of being diagnosed with early menopause.
She and her husband were looking at doing in vitro fertilization, which would have cost around $25,000 out of pocket.
Bob and I had no idea. We prayed for her and her business.
A few months later I reached out and asked her how things were going. How was her business doing?
She said, “We just got pregnant without any intervention. Your prayers gave us a huge financial benefit.”
We were praying for her and her business, and God answered with a personal blessing.
Romans 8:26 offers much encouragement to me, as a praying person: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”
He knows our needs.
Pray on every occasion in the Spirit, with every type of prayer and intercession,
Start to make prayer beautiful.
About the Author
Amy Joy is the Executive Director of Workplace Prayer, where she provides leadership in prayer and equips through powerful content including books, classes and courses.